3M 2017 report MCS Groupe

Definition and glossary

  • Attributable Cash EBITDA

Means our Cash EBITDA for a given period after subtracting distributions to co-investors for their participation in our consolidated SPVs;


  • Attributable ERC

Refers to Gross ERC after taking into account the pro rata share of such collections that will be attributable to co-investors pursuant to contractual arrangements with such co-investors in SPVs;


  • Cash EBITDA

Means our total Cash Revenue for the period, after subtracting professional fees and services, personnel costs and committed costs;


  • Cash Revenue

Means our Gross Collections for a period after adding the revenue generated from our third-party servicing business;


  • Company

Means MCS et Associés SAS, a French société par actions simplifiée having its registered office at 256 bis, rue des Pyrénées, 75020 Paris, France and registered in France under sole identification number 334 537 206 R.C.S. Paris;


  • Convertible Bonds

Means the convertible bonds issued by the Parent and subscribed by Promontoria Holding 85 B.V.;


  • FCTs

Means fonds commun de titrisation, which are investment funds contractually organized under French law for the purposes of holding debt portfolios; Group,


  • MCS, we, our and us

Collectively, the Parent and its direct and indirect subsidiaries including the SPVs that are consolidated into the Parent’s consolidated financial statements;


  • Gross Collections

Refer to the cash proceeds received from the debtors related to the debt portfolios that the Group or its SPVs purchased, before allocation of the pro rata share of Gross Collections attributable to co-investors (if any). Gross Collections are presented prior to factoring any legal fees or other collection activity costs;


  • Gross ERC

Refers to our estimated remaining collections on our purchased debt portfolios, which represents the expected gross cash proceeds over, as applicable, an 84- or 120-month period from our purchased debt portfolios, assuming no additional purchases are made and on an undiscounted basis before taking into account the pro rata share of such collections that will be attributable to co-investors;


  • Hugo Buyback

Refers to the buyout of minorities in the amount of €17.6 million from Hugo I (36.2% interest purchased), Hugo II (18.3% interest purchased) and Hugo III (40% interest purchased) FCT funds on July 25, 2014;


  • Issuer

Means Promontoria MCS SAS, a French société par actions simplifiée à associé unique having its registered office at 256 bis, rue des Pyrénées 75020 Paris, France and registered in France under sole identification number 802 951 848 R.C.S. Paris;


  • Parent

Means Promontoria MCS Holding SAS, a French société par actions simplifiée having its registered office at 256 bis, rue des Pyrénées 75020 Paris, France and registered in France under sole identification number 802 992 602 R.C.S. Paris, which directly owns 100% of the share capital of the Issuer;


  • SPV

Means special purpose vehicle, and as used herein shall include FCTs.


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