General terms of use
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Presentation of the site:
In accordance with the provisions of articles 6-III and 19 of Law No. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 for Confidence in the Digital Economy, called L.C.E.N., we call the attention of users and visitors of the site: http://www.iqera.com to the following information:
Legal notice:
Status of the owner: SAS
Name of the Company: IQERA
Address: 256 BIS RUE DES PYRENNEES / 75020 PARIS
Tél : 01 53 85 45 00
SIRET: 43519862700059 R.C.S.: Paris B 812,774,297
APE Code: 6420Z
Intracommunity VAT number: FR50 812774297
Email address: [email protected]
The Publisher and owner of this site is: IQERA. To contact the publisher: [email protected]
Design: Agence 148
Hosting: OVH
General terms of use of the site and of the services offered:
Use of the site http://www.iqera.com mplies full and complete acceptance of the general terms of use described herein below. These terms of use may be modified or completed at any time, without notice, therefore users of the site http://www.iqera.com are asked to consult them regularly.
http://www.iqera.com is, in principle, accessible to users 24/7, barring interruption, scheduled or unscheduled, for maintenance or case of force majeure. In the event it is impossible to access the service, http://www.iqera.com undertakes to do its best to re-establish access to the service and will endeavour to inform users of the dates and times prior to any maintenance service. As it is only subject to an obligation of means, http://www.iqera.com cannot be held liable for any damage, whatever the nature, resulting from an unavailability of the service.
The site http://www.iqera.com is updated regularly by the owner of the site. In the same way, this legal notice may be modified at any time, without notice, and is binding on the user without reservation. The user is deemed to accept it without reservation and to refer to it regularly to acquaint himself with the modifications. The site http://www.iqera.com also reserves the right to assign and transfer, without notice, the rights and/or obligations of these GTU and this legal notice. By continuing to use the Services of the site http://www.iqera.com, the user recognizes and accepts the modifications of the general terms that have occurred.
3. Description of the services provided:
The aim of the site http://www.iqera.com is to provide information concerning all of the company’s activities.
The owner of the site strives to provide information that is as precise as possible on the site http://www.iqera.com. However, it may not be held liable for omissions, inaccuracies and failures to update it, whether due to its fault or the fault of the third-party partners who provide it with this information. All information offered on the site http://www.iqera.com is provided for information purposes only, is non-exhaustive and is subject to change. It is provided subject to modifications made since it was placed on line.
Limitation of liability:
The site http://www.iqera.com cannot be held liable for typographical errors or inaccuracies appearing on the service, or for any damage suffered as a result of its use. The user remains responsible for his equipment and its use, so he is solely liable for the direct or indirect costs resulting from his Internet connection. The user of the site http://www.iqera.com agrees to access this site using recent hardware, free of viruses and with an updated, latest generation browser. The user releases http://www.iqera.com from liability for any injury he may suffer or cause others to suffer, directly or indirectly, as a result of the services offered. The user is solely liable for his use of the service offered and expressly releases the site http://www.iqera.com from all liability vis-à- vis third parties.
Interactive pages (possibility of asking questions on the contact page) are available to users. The site http://www.iqera.com reserves the right to delete, without prior notice, any content submitted to this page that contravenes the laws applicable in France, particularly the provisions relating to data protection. If necessary, the owner of the site also reserves the option of holding the user civilly and/or criminally liable, particularly in case of racist, offensive, defamatory or pornographic messages, whatever the medium used (text, photograph, etc.).
It is recalled here that the developers of the site http://www.iqera.com keep a record of the user’s email address and IP address. Therefore, he must be aware that in case of a court injunction, he may be traced and prosecuted.
Intellectual property and infringement:
The owner of the site is owner of the intellectual property rights or holds use rights to all of the components accessible on the site, including the texts, images, graphics, logo, icons, sounds, software, etc.
All reproduction, representation, modification, publication, total or partial adaptation of the components of the site, whatever the means or process used, is prohibited, without prior authorization by email.
All unauthorized use of the site or of any of these components that it contains will be considered infringement and prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of articles L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.
Hypertext links and cookie policy:
The site http://www.iqera.com contains a certain number of hypertext links to other sites (partners, information, etc.) created with the authorization of the owner of the site.
Applicable law and jurisdiction:
All disputes connected with the use of the site http://www.iqera.com are subject to French law. The user and http://www.iqera.com agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the French courts in case of dispute.
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